
Dannette Veale

No Longer with Cisco

As the digital engagements and technology strategist for Cisco's Global Sales Experience (GSX) and Virtual Partner Summit (VPS), Dannette Veale lives and breathes new media. Prior to her role on the GSX and VPS team Dannette lead the creation and drove the strategy for the award winning Cisco Live and Networkers virtual program. Dannette has also managed global online and virtual programs for a variety of Cisco groups; most notably emerging markets. When she's not evangelizing the use of virtual environments to extend the reach of an event and broaden the overall audience demographic participating, you'll find Dannette engaged in such varied hobbies as producing streaming media, designing Web sites, or watching classic films such as Blade Runner. Outside of her daily immersion in the bleeding edge of collaborative media, Dannette's also been known to partake in such real world activities as gardening, baking, and knitting;while watching cyberpunk anime, of course.

Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/dveale


January 31, 2013


Connect, Recognize, and Motivate: Cisco’s Global Sales Experience (GSX) 2012, Part Two

In my previous blog post I discussed the format of GSX (Cisco’s annual global sales meeting) and tactics deployed to listen to, engage with, and motivate the audience. In this blog post I am going to dive into new approaches we took to enable peer networking and team appreciation. Enabling meaningfu…